This sort of thing is not news to most non Americans, I don't understand why this issue is making headlines, this is the third article within a few hours I seen on the subject of profession
ally trained doctors from Cuba and Latin America looking for pity from American politician
s. Ok, you are a doctor in your country, why would you want to leave that behind knowing that life in America looks greener, but it's not, most times all you get are just jaggard edged rocks You have to work your ass off, pay your debt to society, taxes, no medical, no servants, no company perks etc. Any day that you do not have any thing to eat, you cannot go next door and ask your neighbour for a cup of sugar. In this country you have to pay for rocks, in your country you go to the bush and pick up rocks. Timing is everything
, now is not the time to test the patience of the Americans
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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